


Join a group of amazing entrepreneurs from around the world committed to achieving
high-levels of success in all areas of life.

(2021 Sessions Now Forming)

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Do You Know What To Do, But Aren’t Doing It?...


Accountability Combined With a Proven System to Support You in Creating the Life of Your Dreams.

It's like a gym membership for your mindset.
(it's there when you need it - everyday)

You Are Just Moments Away from Gaining Access to EVERYTHING You Need When You Join Proximity Ladder

Proximity Ladder Unlimited Membership

Want More. Do More. Be More.
TRY A WEEK FOR $1 After that, it's only $97/mo
  • Unlimited Bi-weekly Meetings
  • Unlimited Mastermind Group Meetings
  • Unlimited Trainings
  • No Contracts (Month-to-Month)

If Only You Had an Elevated Peer Group that:

“You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with.”
-Jim Rohn

Many people think that the answer to success

But, as the quotation above so eloquently states, we are who we hangout with.

And that’s what makes it so hard when we want to pursue a goal or a vision we have.

You go in all excited, dreaming about the possibilities and how amazing life is going to be when everything works out…

And then when you share your dreams with your friends (or even family members), they bring their fears and their doubts into your dream…

They plant a seed of doubt… And you start to question yourself…

Thinking about that big long scary list of all that could go wrong…

And you start to feel overwhelmed.

What if you put your heart and soul out there, give it all you’ve got and you totally bomb?

What if you fall short?

As someone committed to success,
the single most important thing you need to strengthen is your MINDSET.

And that mental strength & fortitude comes from having an amazing peer group…

…who believes in your vision…

…who believes in YOU!
Now imagine for a moment that you showed up to life the way you are truly capable, and you were able to drown out the naysayers, knowing that you would absolutely be successful.

How amazing would you feel?

And here’s the reality:

There are people right now that are making huge progress.. because they have surrounded themselves with other successful people committed to playing life at a higher level.

Because it doesn’t matter when you begin, what matters is that you finish.

Here’s what it boils down to:

Getting neutral and heavy feedback is the glue 
that ensures you stick to your commitments.

Once you raise your standards and peer group…
Everything Changes

And this is universal. No matter where you are in life.

Have you ever uttered the words:

“If only I could quit my bad habit(s).”

“If only I could be disciplined.”

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“I’ll start someday.”

Let’s  be real…

“The road to someday leads to a town called “Nowhere”’.
– Anonymous

The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make


Your Purpose

“I’m just trying to survive…”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this.

And it turns out that we get exactly what we focus on. If you want to raise the bar in your life, you must shift your expectations.


Your Plan

Have you sat down and fully mapped out your strategy that will bring you success?

Do you know the exact steps you are going to take to reach your desired destination? Do you have a way of tracking your progress?

Do you have contingencies in place in case you get off track?


Your Proximity

Most people feel like they “HAVE TO” spend time with family and friends. They’ll say things like “I can’t get rid of family” or “We’ve been friends for years!”

The question is, WHY do we simply accept that we’re stuck with the people currently in our lives?

When we raise the standard of our peer group we radically increase the quality of our lives. To be successful you MUST have quality people around you championing you to victory.

But What if You Could…

  • Get accountability and support daily – whenever you need it.
  • Could interrupt the stumbling blocks that trip you up.
  • Tap into your deeper meaning and purpose.
  • Build the disciplines to create a life you’ve only dreamed of.
  • Put this all together and you have a recipe for a successful life: one that takes all the guesswork out because you KNOW where you’re going, WHY you are going there and you have the ACCOUNTABILITY to see things through.

And When You Do This, You Have:

Don’t just take our word for it, check out what our members have to say...

We’ve spent years developing and perfecting the most complete, proven method to help you streamline your successes and create lasting results.

Proximity Ladder is broken down into the "Core 4" steps:









Step 1: STAND

The first half of the battle is showing up. There are meetings EVERY day. Not once every other week or once a month. Every day you have an opportunity to show up, connect, and surround yourself with amazing like-minded people.


State that which you did or didn’t take action on towards your outcomes. Be truthful with yourself in front of your peers and raise the standard in which you show up to your life.


Be open to receive feedback, support, hacks, and shortcuts to help reach your goals faster. Leverage and harness the power of perspective. Lean into your blind spots and take with you the knowledge of your elevated peer group.

Step 4: COMMIT

Commit at each meeting to the actions needed to move you closer to the life of your dreams. Put power in your words and commit to the life you are capable of living. Build congruency with what you say (and more importantly) what you do.

Proximity Ladder Focuses on Improving 5 Core Areas:

Here’s what Proximity Ladder Members are saying:

So, just to sum it all up

Here’s What You Get When You Join Proximity Ladder

You Are Just Moments Away from Getting Access to EVERYTHING You Need!

Join Proximity Ladder

Proximity Ladder Unlimited Membership

Want More. Do More. Be More.
TRY A WEEK FOR $1 After that, it's only $97/mo
  • Unlimited Bi-weekly Meetings
  • Unlimited Mastermind Group Meetings
  • Unlimited Trainings
  • No Contracts (Month-to-Month)


Do I have to attend every week – that seems overwhelming?

Of course not. Think of it like a gym membership, it’s there when you need it but the more you go, the more you get out of it.

You might be asking yourself… “Is this like therapy or traditional coaching?

Hell no! This program is the best of those systems and removes the pieces that cause people to struggle. Don’t get me wrong… there is absolutely a time and place for traditional therapy… if you need that level of help… go get it! That being said… this program is NOT about focusing on your limitations or bad habits… but rather on fostering the strengths you have and holding you to a higher standard; put more simply “ACCOUNTABILITY”. Additionally, you can have daily support rather than waiting or having to pay for individual, spaced out sessions. We believe that you already know what you should do and aren’t doing it.

What are the hours for the weekly meetings?

We hold three meetings on Monday and three meetings on Friday … allowing us to focus on week-by-week progress and to accommodate member’s different time zones.

  • Monday – 7am PST, 12pm PST, 6pm PST
  • Friday – 7am PST, 12pm PST, 6pm PST

In addition to accountability meetings, we host trainings and mastermind groups on business, health  and goal setting and are constantly adding new excuses to connect more!

Are the meetings recorded?

Negative. The goal is to come on live, in person, participate and support your fellow tribes’ men/women. This is NOT a content or curriculum driven course. This is accountability, support, and a safe space to share, be heard and be held to a higher standard.

What if I want out of the program?

The program is month-to-month. You are only bound to the month you are in… you can drop at any point in time, you are just committed to that month. There are no pro-rations.

Q. Can I try it out?

You bet.  Try a week out for only $1. Attend as many Accountability Meetings and Mastermind Groups as you like.  We want to make sure this is a good fit and are excited to meet you. 

Will this really work for me?

“Oh no! I suffer from terminal uniqueness.” This program can work for anyone willing to show up, be honest, open to doing the work and willing to receive coaching/feedback. If you are just looking for online friends… perhaps you should stalk people on Facebook.

What if I need to put my program on hold?

The program is month-to-month. When you pay for the month… you are in it to win it for that month. Let us know if you need to go on hold and we can hit pause at the 30-day marker.

What if I don’t want to use my real name?

We encourage authenticity and transparency. If you prefer to be anonymous… you are more than welcome to remain an enigma. It’s totally your call. If you do come in as “Bueller” and the moderator or fellow Proximity Ladder members keep repeating “Bueller, Bueller, Bueller…” you better make sure you respond to the name you list ;).

Do I have to put my camera on?

Yes. This is one of the main requirements. Having the camera on ensures that you are being present, holding space… not multi-tasking and genuinely supporting your other members. Please keep your clothes on.

What would get me kicked out of the program?

Treating other members poorly, showing up under the influence, showing your junk on camera… or getting in a rears on your membership dues. Our goal is to help each other. To encourage each other and help each other succeed and raise the bar. Anything that detracts from that is grounds for removal.

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You Are Just Moments Away from Getting Access to EVERYTHING You Need!
Join Proximity Ladder

Proximity Ladder Unlimited Membership

Want More. Do More. Be More.
TRY A WEEK FOR $1 After that, it's only $97/mo
  • Unlimited Bi-weekly Meetings
  • Unlimited Mastermind Group Meetings
  • Unlimited Trainings
  • No Contracts (Month-to-Month)

100% Money Back Action-Takers Guarantee

We have a philosophy: If we can’t change your life for the better, we don’t deserve your money. So, let’s make a deal. We’ll give you a 100% risk-free 30 day money back guarantee… if you promise to fully participate in the program.

When you invest in Proximity Ladder you’ll get instant access to the Daily Meetings immediately. To be eligible for this risk-free guarantee, you DO have to do the work. The means showing up to a minimum of 5 meetings per week. We can’t guarantee that you’ll show up, but we can guarantee that if you show up consistently your life will improve.

Does that sound fair?
Want More. Do More. Be More.